Monday, March 9, 2009

MonteVerde par t deux

Good Heavens, the canopy tour was dyno-mite and well worth the 30USD I charged to my credit card (dan paid 40, forgetting his student ID). Basically there were two mts. or hills that were densly coveed in cloud forest/rainforest that were coneccted by zip lines spanning 600-1000 meters. Between the two terran bumps was a lush valley filled with grazing cattle and a few small shacks. If speed, height and scenery get you excited I must strongly recomend. The link for the company is pasted below.

We decided to stay another night with our gracious host Ronnie and Yusefina. So today we will be picked up at 830 )(if dan wakes up) and we will be heading to the Santa Elena Nature Reserve. where we will hike through the rainforest and hopefuly enounter some neat wildlife, but nothing to dangerous or poisonous. Then back to town where we will enjoy another relaxed day in this sleepy mt town.

Mañana we will awake at 530 am and catch a bus back don the mt. conect with a bus to Liberia where we will catch a bus to Nicaragua to the beach town of San Juan del Sur, stay a few days and eventually work our way to the island of Ometepe in the center of Lake Nicaragua. The volcanic island is supposed to be a paradise so we are unsure how long we will stay, following that back to Costa and on down the Pacific coast.

We miss all of you that we love and if your reading this I am sure that is you.


1 comment:

  1. I just checked out the website for your canopy tour and the pictures alone made my tummy tingle. How cool that must have been. How did the zip line compare to Bungee jumping out of a cable car in the Alps?
