Sunday, March 8, 2009

Monte Verde

The Green Mountain could not be a more fitting title for this quaint Costa Rican town. Following an arduous bus ride from San Jose that lasted five hours and curled up a narrow dirt road, for what seemed like a dangerous eternity, we finally arrived here in MonteVerde, after sunset. We strapped on our bags and began our searh throught the dark wet night. From what I have gathered from some of the locals I have spoken with the weater here is fairly consistant; sun, mist and wind, strong wind.
With minor complication, only one rolled ankle from a convinently located hole in the road, we found our wondeful hostel. Run by Ronnie and Yusefina Sleepers Sleep Cheaper hostel does not disapoint. With just the mention of my name we were showed to our private room with private shower, which I must say rivals the bathroom of most American establishments. After a showe r each we officially checked in and at our front desk, paid the 7 .5 USD per night and made reservations for the ExtremoCanopy tour.
Next we began our assent into te town of Santa Elena, just a km or two long but packed full of restaurants and hostels. We found a decent looking spot t o eat and had some much needed dinner . After the meal we retired to our room to read and depite the howeling wind and a pillow that as one traveler described feels like two popcorn bags poured into a pilow case we sunk into our respective beds and wandered off into LaLa land.
This moring we awoke and mosied on to the kitchen for our complimentry breakfast, coffee (best in the world so the locals say) granola, wheat toast, a fried egg and fresh piña melòn y sandìa (watermelon). Did I mention the price of 7.5 USD per night. After breakfast we hiked to the mercado for some waterbottles and granola bars for our canopy tour that leaves in an hour. Skie s are blue, mountains are green, wind is strong and the mist is light. Wish us luck, I don´t think we will spring or the extra insurance, sorry moms.


The capital city of San Jose left little to be desired for Dan and I. With few tourist destinations in the city proper we ended up wandering through the streets sticking out like an inflammed cold sore. One thing that we did take from the city is some grat food. There are these plaes called soda cafes where for 1,900 colones about 4 bucks you get a plate of food so massive w e could hardly finish. Also we had some street food. These things called pupusas that are pancakes filled with beans cheese and pork rinds, they were awesome. Any way no montezumas revenge ye..knock knock...Anyway I need to play with one of the owners kids that has been sitting on my lap for the last ten min.

We will try and get some pictures up but it has been hard to find somewhere that will let us upload them.

Much love to all!!!


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